Pic taken after Isya arrived @ umah Tok Ma.(3 days warded @ Hosp Jerteh). 2 weeks b4 raye Papa sent mama n Icha to Tok Ma house. Hehhe..so thats mean Papa jadi Arbain bujang kembali la @ dat time.So, time sume pergi skoll tinggal la Mama n Icha, Tok Ma, Pak Muda tuh n sorang lagik Cu Ajik(suke pukul ICha ngan bantal peluk Icha)
So..bile dok 5 org nih..kitorg rilex la...xcept for Tok Ma..Raye dah dekat she is the most bz woman.Jadi juru jual, tukang jahit,tukang msak n tukang wat kueh...cian tok Ma..sometimes kalo mama_icha nih malas tok Ma jugaks la mandikan Isya.@ dat time, Isya nangis2 nk susu la..then Cu ajik pon dah buat perangai, make noise, try to get attention.Mama n tok Ma feed ours baby la..So, tinggal la Pdaus terkebil2 tgk kitorg. After Cu ajik tido n Icha also tido, Pdaus pon mcm bese dok sbelah Icha.mama Icha pon tgh bace majalah Wanita.
"Kak Idah, Kak Idah nge Ma ade baby.Ore sore xdok baby" Mama Icha listened to him.
"Kak Idah tinggal la Icha ko Ma...Bia Ma jago...lepas tuh Kak Idah g hospital amik baby ko Daus" Wahahahaha!~~~Mama was laughing after the sentence finished. Pdaus plaks ? nangis...
Huhu....Not easy just like that la Pdaus..
"Kak Idah, Kak Idah nge Ma ade baby.Ore sore xdok baby" Mama Icha listened to him.
"Kak Idah tinggal la Icha ko Ma...Bia Ma jago...lepas tuh Kak Idah g hospital amik baby ko Daus" Wahahahaha!~~~Mama was laughing after the sentence finished. Pdaus plaks ? nangis...
Huhu....Not easy just like that la Pdaus..
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